These images are of excellent value to anyone wishing to produce promotional material for Scout Groups, for their events and newsletters. Available for MS-DOS/Windows compatible computers and Apple Macintosh computers, these images have been scanned at 200 dots per inch (dpi), saved as TIFF files (.TIF) and are extremely easy to use!
Volume One - This disc contains all of the regularly used, main Scout logos,
including the arrowhead badge and loads of excellent illustrations os Scouting activities
- 296 images (5.85mb).
Volume Two - This disc contains even more excellent illustrations of Scouting
related activities - 210 images (7.98mb).
To order these discs simply send your name and address along with the appropriate payment to SCOUTING clip art discs, SCOUTING Magazine, Baden-Powell House, Queen's Gate, LONDON SW7 5JS. Please allow up to 28 days for delivery.
Don't forget:
If you would like a printed directory of the contents of your disc, please send an A4 stamped, self-addressed envelope, to the value of 38 pence postage, with your order.