Photo of the Month - December 2000
If you are looking for somewhere for an annual camp for your Scouts then you must consider Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. You probably won't have as far to travel as these Scouts did. Nathan Prince, the Cub Scout Leader of the 1st Ascension Island Scout Group sent in this photo from County Antrim.
The 1st Ascension Island Scouts (part of British Groups Abroad) travelled to the UK on an exciting journey of discovery 5th Aug - 5th September 2000. The Scouts visited both Northern Ireland and London which is 4,500 miles away from home and a very big adventure for the Scouts..

The rope bridge at Carrick-a-Rede
The full story of the trip is on the 1st Ascension Island Scout Group web site from which this extract is taken.
Tuesday was another challenge, to cross the rope bridge at Carrick-a-Rede. This is a rope bridge that spans from the mainland to a small island about 100 feet and about 200 ft above the sea below. Once again all crossed the bridge. Lunch was had at the harbour of Ballintoy, where the Scouts were introduced to the 'warm' sea by wading in up to the knees. There was one that decided to go in deeper - there is always one.... The afternoon was spent in Coleraine Leisure Centre - swimming in an indoor pool - completing more challenges on the water slides. During the evening the parents of the Portstewart Scouts had put on a BBQ for all parents, Scouts and welcoming the Ascension Scouts. It was a very nice evening with an excellent spread of food - the Portstewart Scouts BBQ at the same time.
When they came to England the Scouts also met with the Prime Minister and there was a photo-shoot outside Number 10 (the photo is on the website)