Photo of the Month - December 2001
While the winter chill permeates the air you may be looking forwards to next summer. Here is a photo from the summer before last to inspire you. Chris Gibson of Wyre Scout Network, Wyre, West Lancashire took these photos at the 11th World Scout Moot on 23 July 2000.
Both of these photos were taken on the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan. The first was taken while trying to get up the pyramid. It shows how many people were trying to get up.
Starting the climb of the pyramid
The second was taken from the bottom of the pyramid, just showing it as it was on the day.
Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan
These photos show one way that the international side of Scouting works. Many Districts and Counties are looking forwards to sending Scouts to the forthcoming World Jamboree in Thailand. The preparation for this will involve fund raising to make the trip affordable for the Scouts and training weekends to prepare the participants for what will be one of the most wonderful experiences of their lives.