Photo of the Month - January 1998
Happy New Year. The first thing I found in my email after the Christmas break was this collection of little photos from Mike Brown, Scoutmaster, Troop 80 BSA, Cortland NY who kindly gives us permission to present them here. Troop 80 is in Tioughnioga District of the Baden-Powell Council.
Scouts from Scotland and Denmark heading off to tour Blair Castle in Perthshire, Scotland
This was taken back in July 1996 at Blair Atholl International Patrol Jamborette - 1996. Mike says "My assignment at the Jamborette was to give tours of the castle. Each patrol is made up of half Scottish Scouts, and half International Scouts from another country (in this case, Denmark)."
David Marks (October 27, 1997)
Troop 80 Scouts held a "pumpkin carving contest" during the Scout meeting preceding Hallowe'en (do Scouts elsewhere carve jack'o'lanterns for Hallow'een?). This one came complete with fangs.
David Marks, Trevor Wood (rear) and Janet Redfield, Brian Redfield (front) at the Court of Honor, December 7, 1997
The "Eagle Award" is the highest award in the Boy Scouts of America. In this photo, Janet Redfield pins the Eagle badge on her son, Brian, a member of Troop 80 in Cortland, New York.
Winter Campout, January 1983. Tim Badman, Nick Ring and Chris Getman
Snow is plentiful in the winter in central New York State. These Scouts built a snow shelter (called a quinzee (sp?)) by piling snow in a big heap and rolling on it until it was firm, then hollowing it out. A single candle inside can keep such a shelter quite warm, and the snow melting glazes the walls so you don't get wet. The picture is taken from the inside of the shelter, looking out.
You will discover additional information and photos of the Baden-Powell Council, BSA, Contingent at the 1996 Blair Atholl Jamborette. This is part of the website for Troop 80 BSA, Cortland NY