Photo of the Month - October 2002
Who is Neil Schembri? He is the Akela of Tigne Scout Group, North District in Malta.
Who are the people in the photo? - Team 1 of the cubs at the Bowling Alley back row starting from the left : Mark M. (by the wall), Robert S. (showing the peace sign) Louis M., Christophere B. ( the one with the ball above him), and zack the boy in front is Luke M. December 2001 - The last activity of the Group is always done indoors, it's a group tradition : first a film at the cinema and then 2 games of bowling followed by a pizza - this year we ate at Hard Rock Cafe. All these activities are held in the city of Paceville - Malta. That day it was a joint activity with the Qormi Scout Group who for the first time since the opening of our Group in 1992 joined us in our annual activity.
The bowling competition winners Team One after they had beaten the other Cub teams.