Photo of the Month - January 1999
We already know that Brazil has great coffee, great footballers, great carnivals and great music, but Brazil also has great scouting. I was immediatley impressed by these photos from Marcelo Vargas, the leader of #76 Our Lady of Medianeira Scout Group, Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL.
These photos were taken on July, 28th 1998 during our Winter Camp on Pantanal Matogrossense - BRAZIL, (Wetlands on Brazil).
Girl and Boy Scouts from our Troop taking some instruction about safety on rafting
Boy Scout Joao Gioia from Beaver Patrol
Hold on tight!
That was the last activity of 8 magic Camping days that the Girl and Boy scouts from our Group have had on the Pantanal Matogrossense - BRAZIL. We travelled aprox. 3000 km from Rio de Janeiro to Miranda and Bonito (on the center part of Brazil) until we came back home.
The Scouts
From the left to right side, Suzanna and Patricia from Hydra Patrol, Leader Marcelo Vargas (on the center), Felipe from Owl Patrol and Joao from Beaver Patrol above Patricia is Fabricio from Dog Patrol, Ana Flávia from Phoenix Patrol and the assistant leader Carol
We have a Web page with other photo's on it.