Photo of the Month - March 2000
I had to literally drag this photo out of the hands of Martin Robinson, a helper and parent from the 1st Wilsden Scout Group in Bingley District, West Yorkshire. I thought it was an obvious candidate for Photo of the Month because of the way it illustrates a Millenium Camp. Anyone seeing this photo will agree that Scouting is still something special at the change from the second to the third millenium.
Martin took this photo during Bingley District Millenium Camp at Settle in the Yorkshire Dales. All scouts took part in at least three of the five major activities on offer. These were canoeing, cycling, shooting, climbing and caving. .

Bingley District Millenium Camp
The camp was held at Settle Middle School over Spring Bank Holiday - same time as other Millennium Camps throughout the country. Over 100 Cubs And Scouts stayed over at the camp and the District's Beaver Colonies visited on the Sunday.