Photo of the Month - October 1997
From Mexico we have a pair of photos that perfectly illustrate that Scouting the world over is about people having fun together. The Spanish translation here was done by a colleague of mine, Jose, from Spain. Unfortunately Mexican Spanish isn't quite the same as Spanish Spanish (if you see what I mean) so the translation isn't perfect. It does mean though that the contributor of this month's photo was able to describe the pictures in his own language.
Luis Rebollar, Sub-leader of Wolf Cub Pack 5 "Tenochcas" in the district of Iztacalco, Mexico City has sent in these photos. They were taken on 6th September during Scout Week 1997.
Hola Mark:
Hello Mark ("That was easy" says my translator Jose)
Soy Luis Rebollar, yo te envié las fotos de ambientación india, el
Scouter es mi Jefe de Grupo y en se momento hacia la danza de los guerreros.
El era el "Gran Jefe Plumas Paradas". El se llama Miguel Angel y es un
excelente Scout y amigo.
My name is Luis Rebollar, I sent you the photos with an indian atmosphere, the Scouter is my Group Chief and at that moment goes to the Warriors dance. He was the 'Great Chief Stopped Feather'. His name is Miguel Angel and he's an excellent Scout and friend.
Great Chief Stopped Feather
Tengo algunas fotos más que quiero enviar pué se me hacen interesantes y
sobre todo especiales.
I have got some more photos I would like to send because I think they are interesting and above all special ones.
Here are some Wolf Cubs of Council Iztacalco, but our cub "indian" is called Christian of Wolf Cub Pack 225. This little indian chose to watch and not take part in the battle.
Sobre el escultismo en México hay muchas cosas que puedo contarte, con mi
próximo Email te enviare información sobre nuestros esquemas de adelanto y
tópicos que en particular te interesen.
There are a many things I can tell you about the Scout Movement in México. In my next email I will send you some information about our progress schemes and topics that could be particularly interesting for you.
Dentro de mi Provincia (Council) mi trabajo es como subjefe en la manada
de Lobatos aunque también colaboro externamente en otras actividades
relacionadas con ellos.
Inside my Council I am in charge with another person of the branch of Wolf Cubs, although I also collaborate externally in other activities related to them
Espero alguna ocación visitar tu país pués me interesa profundamente
conocer el lugar donde Baden Powell inició el Escultismo.
I wish someday I could visit your country because I am deeply interested in knowing the place where Baden Powell founded the Scout Movement.
Yours faithfully,
Hathí - Luis Rebollar :.)
Go and practice your Spanish and find out more about Scouting in Mexico at Asociación de Scouts de México Provincia Iztacalco, Grupo 5.