Photo of the Month - September 1998
Scouter Pat, also known as Patrick De Gagne from Montreal, Canada is a leader with the Dollard Des Ormeaux Venturers, Scouts Canada - Cartier District. This is what Pat says ...
Well, I've been meaning to scan and sent a few pics for a while, but procrastination prevailed...
Well, here are 2 photos.
This is shot taken on our annual summer camp. As a tradition, our Scouts and Venturers each go on a 5 to 10 days self supported canoe camping trip in the middle of nowhere every summer. Summer of 1997 was no exception, with the Dollard Des Ormeaux Venturers heading out to "La Mauricie National Park", a vast expanse of trees, water, black flies, and more trees!
In this picture we can see Big Marc portaging his canoe between lakes. La Mauricie is well known for it's many many many portages... Longest being 5km uphill! This is the end of a mere 200 metres portage, hence the smile on Marc's face... :o) Seen in the life jacket behind Marc is Little Pat, and under the second is Laurent.
Cale, Noam and Little Dave
Wouldn't that sight scare you first thing in the morning?! On the last morning of the Dollard Des Ormeaux Scouts summer 1996 8 day canoe camping trip in the Adirondacks of New York state, the guys are all ready to paddle back to civilisation... but they don't look too eager! Hmmm maybe if we turned around and paddled back the long way? Naaaaw!
This shot taken from my tent shows Cale, Noam and Little Dave quite attentively watching me getting up in the morning... am I so interesting? ;o)
Pat's group has a website at